The Metis Heritage Centre

The Welcome Centre, located across from the St. Laurent Rec Centre is home to our New Post Office.  Open 24hrs a day, St. Laurent residents can pick up their mail anytime.  The St. Laurent and District Recreation Commission office is also located at the Welcome Centre as well as one office currently used by "Age Friendly".  There is also a Massage Therapy room available  every Tuesday and Wednesday.    For more information or booking details regarding Massage Therapy please contact the RM office at 204 646 2259 or

In 2018 St. Laurent unveiled it's monument during the Canada day 150th Celebration.

"Phase I" of the Metis Heritage Museum is now complete with three rooms for Utility, Artifacts storage and Artifacts Lab.  The entry way serves two purposes as entry to the future Museum for deliveries and entry for the post office deliveries and post master.  The RM is currently seeking Funding for Phase II.